Tsung-Han (Patrick) Wu - 吳宗翰

About Me

Hi, my name is Tsung-Han (Patrick) Wu. I am an EECS PhD student (Aug. 2023 - ) at UC Berkeley, focusing on Computer Vision and ML Systems. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Trevor Darrell affiliated with BAIR and Prof. Joseph E. Gonzalez in Sky computing Lab. I’m also a research scientist intern at Meta working with Kate Saenko and Nicolas Carion during the 2024 summer. Previously, I earned by MS and BS degree in Computer Science from National Taiwan University (NTU), happily collaborating with Prof. Shang-Tse Chen and Prof. Winston H. Hsu.

My recent research endeavors are focused on analyzing the limitations and exploring the zero-shot applications of LLMs / LMMs. Before this, my efforts were dedicated to developing cost-effective and trustworthy visual autonomous systems in our changing world. Feel welcome to check out my selected publications and CV for more information.

Email: tsunghan_wu [at] berkeley [dot] edu

Academic Service

Conference Reviewer: CVPR’22-25, ECCV’22&24, ICCV’23, BMVC’22, ICMR’21, TMM